Wednesday, April 30, 2014


                                                      DATA Of SKRAPAR

Map of Skrapar

District Skrapar lies in southern Albania , in the district of Berat , Korca district between Gramsh , Berat , Perm. We enter his compound 2 municipalities , 105 municipalities and eight fshatra.Skrapari lies in hilly Mediterranean climate zones , mountain and Mediterranean mediterranean ; in the watersheds of Osumi and Devolli , we band of ash-brown soil , the by brown , brown forest
and mountain pasture ; generation plant in the Mediterranean scrub , oak , beech - coniferous and pastures alpine.Rrethi Skrapar is part of the Portland region and is composed of ( 1 ) :

MUNICIPALITY Çorovodë , MUNICIPALITY Poliçan . MUNICIPALITY Center Poliçan : Zogas , Kalanjas , Dhores , Veseshte , pollen , Osoje , Grepcka , Liqeth , Rehovice , Orizaj , Cerova , Veleshnje , Nisic , Sharov , Cerenishte , buzuqeve , Munushtir , Radesh , trough, Mollas , Gradec , Verzhezhe , Slatinje , Strore . MUNICIPALITY Bogove : Bogove , Kakruke , Dobruzhe , progress, Bargullas , Novaj , Nishovaj , Jaupas , Selan . MUNICIPALITY Vendreshe : Lavdar , Spatharë , Therepel , Vale , Vendreshe present.1 , Vendreshe Minor 2 , 3 Vendreshe Mountain , Ibro . MUNICIPALITY Potom : Potom , Gjergjove , Koprencke , Gërmenj , Visoçe , Neck , Helmesi , Backe , Melske , Nikollarë , Dërmish , Staravecke . MUNICIPALITY Leshnje : Turbohove , Kapinovo , Kraste , Khrushchev , Page red , Gostrenske , Leshnje , Vlushe . MUNICIPALITY Gjerbes : Melove , Zaloshnje , Gjerbes , Ujanik , Gradeci , Straficke , Vishanji , Barci 1 , Barci 2 , Kuci , Rehova village , Gremsh , Gjergovice , Floq . MUNICIPALITY Cepan : Cepan , Muzhakë , Rogue , New Zabërzan , Zabërzan , Blezence , Malinda , Zhapokike , Sevrani great Sevran small Qeshibas , Strenec , Kakos , disruptive . MUNICIPALITY Zepa Konak : Greve , Posten , Kovaçanj , Gurazez , Çorrotat , Ceric , Zepa , Leskov , rebels , Duncke , Rromas , Terrove , Dobrenje , Buranje , Paddock , Shpatanj .


                                          HISTORY Of SKRAPAR


Settlements Skrapar population itself has historically built primarily on a deep mountainous terrain . Most of them have been concentrated in the valley of Osumi . Higher density dwellings have been areas Osumi left arm , which seemed to offer better natural conditions and more economic opportunities for livelihood . While a small part of the settlements were built along the river valley Tomorrica ( left branch Devolli ) , which has taken the name of the province . From the data it appears that in areas deritansihme Skrapar are observed trace of civic life since ancient times . The key is that this life is not disrupted almost never achieve complete until our days . Location of ancient settlements in Korce evidenced by numerous archaeological data . So far , in this province were discovered over 20 settlements with great value for the study of the Illyrian culture of this region and beyond . The fund's largest archaeological data has helped researchers conclude that human life has begun to appear since X millennium BC . Important findings that indicate an earlier period citizens are found at a residence Vlushës prehistoric . For researchers VLUSHE classified as one of the main points

War of Tenda e Qypit


Nationally, casting light on the prehistoric culture of our people , in their opinion, the archaeological material that clearly represents a point of civic culture of Mesolithic and Neolithic era early .
The same value for researchers point represents Leshnje archaeological village . Archaeological material this point, located about 4 km veriprëndim Vlushta , of the XIII century - X BC . According to researchers , the culture offered by Leshnja resemble ancient Illyrian culture , found in the village of Korca train . Fund greatest archaeological findings in these two stations constitute the painting ceramics . This is a kind of culture that resembles the characteristics of the features of pottery discovered many archaeological sites in South - Eastern Albania . The existence and development of civic life Illyrian provinces Skrapar confirm a number of fortified settlements . As is known , this culture living in our country has begun to appear since the Iron Age . While in this region , the data show that such settlements have emerged in the second period following the Iron Age . Even as dëshohet archaeological record , the period between millennia V - The BC, Skrapar areas has been developed. Assume that this has been the most flourishing period of great civic life BC . Significant material content Illyrian culture Korce, bring discoveries in the fortified residence Gores , Potom village . According to researchers , it dates between centuries IV - II BC and has played more the role of a civic center watcher . Construction techniques of paper used in Gore , are the same as the culture of the ancient city of Antigonea . Role of a residential urban center brings the fortified Tërrovës ancient towns . According to archaeological evidence , the centuries IV - II BC life in urban areas desaretëve Illyrian tribe recognized an even greater blown . Its constituent parts are thought to have been the city Ilir Zëlënckës . This city is considered by archaeologists as the city paraadhësi Çorovoda . This link is being promoted as facilities Numerous archeological museum, and the large topographical fund . Zëlënckës city was built on both sides of the River Osumi , which connect Sharova bridge between them . From this bridge kept in good condition her feet , reaching a height of 1.5 m . Even on them has increased in recent times the existing bridge . But since the second century b.C. and long after the data on the continuity of life in this city are quite scarce . Only in the sixth century , in the period of Slavic barbarian invasions , the city is mentioned in public, but now with a new name CernoVodë ( Black Water ) , today Corovoda . When historians have talked about ancient Illyrian- Roman wars II - III century BC , except Antipatreas ( Portland ) , have mentioned the fortified settlements to its east along the valley Apsit ( Osumi ) , as Orgesi , Karagu of Gerunti . These fortified towns matched with Bargullasin , Castle Skrparit Prishta . It is known that an important place in the development of Illyrian civic culture in our country , citizens occupied dwellings style castle . Even in parts of Skrapar this kind of culture is very present and has been identified by researchers at several points . The oldest among them is Tomorricë Gradeci Castle , belonging to the seventh century - VI BC For the architecture and manufacturing techniques , the Castle Prishta represents a highly developed center of civic life Illyrian . Indicators are its architectural completeness of the same with those of Berat Castle Irmajt Gramsh , but while also resemble Zgërdheshit in young castle . Rapid development , civic life in the castle took in late antiquity period . Some of the forts by name in the history of the region of Skrapar are Lavdarit Castle , Dhoresit , Coast Koroni , Bargullas , Prishta , etc. . Traditions of civic life in the castle of fortified settlements in areas Skrapar vazhdimisinë kept them in later periods . Suffice it to mention the fact that the citizens of the province carefully preserve cultural background values ​​inherited from Skrapar Castle . This castle was built by specialists at the same time as the castle Tomori . Skrapar Castle is set on top of the hill facing the city today, called Cerovës hills , and separated by the River Osumi . Another indicator of the continuity of medieval life in Korce, and construction of toilets ( baths ) . As is known , the bathrooms were constructed my public character , where people meet enough demand medieval civic life . Bathrooms are typically the province of Sllatinjë village , about 5 km southwest of the city of Çorovodës . Minimum Slatina village inhabited that continues to this day , there bathrooms are still preserved in relatively good condition . Researchers think that these baths are only of their kind , not only in Korce, but across the country . Since dekadate before the nineteenth century the Turks were put under full control of Cham Albanian territories in the South to the Mat River . All these areas were in Sandzak of Albania , where Skrapari was one of 10 vilayets of Sandzak . Turkish occupation , as for the entire country , was quite serious consequences for the population Skrapar . However during this difficult period Skrapar province had its own development. Austrian historian Karl Patch brings us a clue very important in this respect , in his notes , he sheds light on a path that starts from the town of Berat and after crossing the valley part of Osumi , back east , the stronghold of Tomorri , expected transverse Tomorricës Valley and ends in the South . Presence of provincial branches interregional road during the show and quite medieval bridge , which ehe stand for solid construction techniques . To distinguish their strategic importance Kasabashit bridge and bridge Sharovës . Bridge Kasabashit can rightly be called a cultural monument with rare architectural . Ekzizston its opinion that the project is done by architect Kasemi , a famous European intellectual . Today the bridge is preserved in good condition and continues to funksionjë as the main connecting hub between areas of the province . Kasabashit Bridge and it Sharovës two branches are built on the Osumi River . They are located about 1 km from the city of Çorovodës , respectively north and south of it . Specialists think that they are built around the sixteenth and seventeenth century , the construction of these bridges greatly facilitated communication Skrapar population with neighboring regional civilizations . Since this time, the volume of economic exchanges with the major trading centers of Berat, Korca especially . For more information visit Skrapari History Museum .






Skrapari can also be called the circle of magnificent canyons .
It has two large canyons , both natural monuments , among them the Osumi canyon , the largest in the whole of Albania , which is rightly called the " Colorado Albania " . It is located in the Çorovodë - Hambull Osumi valley is about 13 km long , from 4 to 35 m wide , of up to 70-80 m deep , with vertical slopes , underneath which flows " playful " Osumi , by was " bragging " with creation itself . Its waters are exactly that with their strength and digestive gërryerrëse have penetrated so slowly , but relentlessly, to the extent of limestone rocks Çorovoda anticline structure , forming the canyon with impressive beauty . When his travels inland amazed by breathtaking beauty , but also by some strange impression and create incredible : fragmentation of heaven along with part of the vertical walls of limestone gray and green vegetation reflected in numerous river basins , thus creating a mixture of colors and forms of perverse , that their fluidity to confuse , mislead and drag in a different world , unreal , but to inspire sweet sensation , from which you wish to go there . This is not the only miracle of the canyon : in some sectors displaying his large waterfalls with breathtaking beauty , especially on sunny days , the rays of which are broken down by water droplets , forming rainbow, starting from the sky , continue to slopes of the canyon , where reflected in the pools of water in the river bed . In these difficult times you put the border between earth and heaven , the other shaqen sensation even more powerful , to follow from behind even when out of the canyon , even when you are away from him , they invite him back and visit it again .


In the vertical walls of the canyon there are plenty of niches
cavity formed by karst processes . Among them stands " eye of the bride ", located 800 m near the village of Bigazit and that is a hole or perhaps a karst cave in the form of a gallery with a length of 7-8 m and a diameter of about 2 m . Surely the vertical walls of limestone caves there are other much larger , which explorer expect to detect and identify their multiple values ​​. Has been very special beauty and interesting shapes of the canyon around him were the legends, which have traveled from mouth to mouth until today . Among them indicated that the legend of the bride and the holy trail Abbas Ali . Legend of connecting cave "Vrimës the bride" , mentioned above , with the fate of a bride marrying without her desire , but it was forced to implement the old habit . The wedding guests were returning with the bride , who had taken another village , when the bride arrived here say that they " are lead to her husband involuntarily " , but gave no answer intermarry . So she thought of his escape plan . Praying to God, addresses the canyon rock ' open yourselves , or rock to get rid of the embarrassment that has occupied " . And heard the rock , immediately opened a hole , cavity . The bride was thrown from his horse and hid in the hole . The wedding guests returned to the village without it. Later this hole started to visit the new bride who sought to make with children . The second legend relates the strange forms created by karsti ( third) of limestone in the water . These forms are similar to the trace of a horse and a stick . They are located near Dhores village , about 5 km from the city of Çorovodës . Legend qualifying them as traces of saint Ali Abbas , who came in Tomor Karbila , riding on his white horse . He fled and left his mark on the board of Kajcës, where again flew to Mount Tomori . Bektashi believers to calm the spirit, seek the help of Ali Abbas holy trail1 . Just goes and gets Çorovoda city above the river , suddenly appear miraculous appearance of the Osumi Canyon . This canyon better still unknown because of lack of publicity , is one of the pearls of Albanian nature and a place almost entirely virgin to be explored by tourists as well as domestic and foreign . The canyon begins in a place called Hambull approximately 18 kilometers from the city of Çorovodës suffers a breakdown after passing the village Lapan , because the river bed expand at a place called " Mother's Mill " and from there to Grepckes Vau , nearly two kilometers from the city appear magnificent canyon Çorovodës and offers views to the wonderful truth of the unique . But most beautiful stretches from the village up to the end Blezencke Çerenisht village .
Osumi river formed by the numerous streams flowing from the mountains slopes Vithkuqi in Korca and Gramozi and western slopes of the Cologne district . During his course through Korce , Osumi join some other branch of his true form takes the entrance of the city of Portland. Osumi after Devollin join near the bridge that Kuci form Seman . Osumi length is 161 miles , but most of it is undoubtedly beautiful canyon located in the district of Skrapar . Osumi Canyon is the longest and has the highest average altitude in the country . At the end of his Grepckes Vau , Osumi creates a beautiful delta that is used by residents of surrounding villages Çorovoda and to rest and made ​​the beach during the summer . In its depth , six canyon creates distress, in which the river can be crossed only by swimming after canyon is very narrow . Canyon slopes plunge to the river bed from a height of 80 to 100 meters and create a fantastic view . The canyon has a length of 11 kilometers on his part uninterrupted , from Vau Grepckes to exit the village Blezencke . This part of the canyon is used by residents of the area to fish some fish species that grow in the river to hunt and gawk ( feral pigeons ) . But in this part of the canyon can come even as a kind of predatory bird that rises eagle or vulture in this area . On both sides of the valley where the canyon stretching some villages , especially remarkable for the production of brandy Skrapari famous . Vegetation consists of Mediterranean shrubs and immediately after their launch oak forests .



Bridge of Kasabashit

Kasabashit can rightly be called a cultural monument of rare architectural value. There is her opinion that the project is done nha architect Qasemi, a famous European intellectual. Today this bridge, forgive and care and preserve local level civics good condition nw. It continues to function as the main connecting link between the areas of the province. Kasabashit Bridge and it Sharovës built on two constituent branches Osumi River. Experts believe that they are set up around 16-17 century. The construction of these bridges of communication greatly facilitated Skrapar population.




Cave of Pirogoshit

is the longest cave in Albania. However its length is measured by that country that has gone the last expedition, and after that they failed to find the end. Albanian Association speleological teaching science, has conducted exploration in this cave as the group speleological area in cooperation with foreign, but not the end of the cave is found. According to local legend, this cave has access to Pogradec.Duke traditions aside, one thing is certain, that by signs and movement of air currents internal surely this cave has an exit. So far we talked about Pirrogoshit Cave, which is located just 3 km north east of the city of Çorovodës on the majestic canyon north of Gradec.



      It is a high mountain in southern Albania near the cities of Portland and Skrapari . The highest peak of its quka Partizan , reaches a height of 2,416 meters . Tomorri is of great importance for people from all over the country , because there is a Bektashi religious temple , also provides a convenient location for skiing . Mountain National Park covers an area of ​​Tomori 4,000 hectares . Many endangered species are found there. Roam freely in the park many endangered animals, giving visitors who watch an unforgettable experience and pagan cult high peaks , spread throughout Albania , Tomori mountain cult has survived in the course of centuries of religious shift . Enjoying a [ [ prestige | prestige among the Albanian world , he has gained the attribute of holy mountain . The fact that this popular mountain in the tradition , in the ancient and medieval romantic literature conceived as Albanian Olympics , believed to be evidence of Balkan cultural unit .                                                                     



season in Korce known as the "season of raki." Autumn has set in motion women, which deal with raki simmering in the area. Skrapari know that is not known for patrotizem veyem and hospitality, but prodimin ede for the world famous raki, which has sprung European markets. It is a tradition among generations inherited, without forgetting the wine making, and in particular Pekmezi Skrapar trahanase.Rakia more preferably compared with other provinces of the country and it has to do with crafts centuries. In general the western areas of Skrapar, issues high-quality brandy that goes up to 22 grade.Mund mention Zabërzani areas, Muzhakes, Rock, and Prishta Vendreshes that a grape vineyard reaches 1.5kg weight. According older we learned that brandy ralph has ever used by men who drink brandy chamber with plastic shoes.




Skrapar polyphony as it is estimated by " UNESCO " , as part of national elistës " International Spiritual Masterpieces " , follows tëtregojë to like ralph value - BashkiaÇorovodë In cooperation with the County Council in partnership Beratdhe with PNUDI -in is working to achieve this
more ambicios dhefitimprurës project for komunitetintonë . This project aims to tëkrijohet a travel agency , which will tëSkraparit promovojëmagjinë the canyons , to make them not only for turistinvendas tënjohur but also our huaj.Bashkia dote soon issue its website , specific location pins will Çorovodë - humanitarian Association " I Care " is a humanitarian association that operates zonëne Tuscany . Center this association is qytetinE Carrarese Massa . This association , for its human veprimtarinëe the proposed city Çorovoda recent days by a group of residents and city tëkëtij by a group of intellectuals nëkëshillin the Municipality to take the top title that gives the council in such cases " Honorary Citizen " proposal to be submitted at the meeting on his tëafërm to be approved. This association operates Sinja legal entity registered under gjitharregullave and legal norms . As president of kësajshoqate is Mr. Nino Angeli , Vice / PresidentBianchi Giselli as secretary Galetti Aurora Sinesi Domenico 's adviser Irakli Ndreko . This association was present in the area Skrapar as a broadly based poorest areas and most problematic of Albania prejmë more than 17 years . During these years she has had a long swing ndihmëtë very active in the community and institutions ndryshmeshtetërore as education , health, infrastructure etj.Fillimisht this association was present in Korce dukeofruar aid in food and clothing and equipment for the hospital dhemedikamente City tëÇorovodës since the spring of 1994 . fundine In 1995, the association realized rikostruksionin ekopshtit neighborhood " December 2 " , turning nëkopsht with lunch at the expense of the association , but unfortunately this garden was destroyed during the 1997 traziravefamkeqe . In 1996 this shoqatëndërtoi a proper structure called adoption assistance each family distance from the city or surrounding areas iÇorovodës take a ndihmëmujore of 20 euros , quite transparent relief after being channeled to the bank from where the children presented kryefamiljarii përkatësenë bank and withdraw the amount . Have benefited from this assistance familjedhe currently are 99 350 families who benefit concert band Skrapari poly decorative ornaments in the City Square created an atmosphere between koncertifestiv to host a new year with music efishekzjarre and big congratulations Happy New Viti . Xhaferi artistic proud . In anticipation of the new year 2012 started pounding just committed in the days count funditqë is ePallatit 2011 organizers claim for gazetënse culture is programmed alongside decorative ornaments in the City Square created a festive atmosphere among a concert to welcome the new year with music and fireworks and big congratulations .





Skrapar nature is diverse and complex : from small areas on both sides of Osumi dense network of rivers and streams valleys that circumvent the expense of hills between the mountains and up to the high alpine peaks and craggy with circuses glacial ; from the summer heat of the day to ye pleasant freshness of heights ; more snow in areas with sparse areas with a thick layer of snow that lasts about 4-5 months a year ; by bush always green alpine pastures to ; by areal olive , fig and grapes , in that plum rye . All these meet in a small area , but with great stretch in the vertical direction and chopped too . This , together with the transitional position of district coastal geographic space hinterland , conditional extraordinary diversity of landscapes , which are interwoven and intertwined between them , forming a mosaic Indeed , that ye may rarely found elsewhere . Declared natural monuments . The list includes 32 monuments Skrapar objects : 16 bio , 15 and 1 hidromonument gjeomonumente . They are local and national importance . Gjeomonumenteve distinguished group of eight forms of surface and underground karst landscape , with shumaneshem interest , while the rest of the group are forms glacial relict landscape , river and landscape forms erozivo - denudues , forms related to geological processes , etc. . Woody bio are special and hardwood sets up forest structure and floristic composition of interesting fauna . Some of them relate to the legend of important historical events . Some of the bio are : Beech and Pine Symizes Stone cut the Leshnjes Beech Fir KUCIE Lirzes Ahishta of the Cany Koshevica Rrobullë Oak Nuts Fetah Great Dad Zepa Plepa Konak Novaj oak nuts in the tent that Jar .